Greenford High School achieves outstanding results

The Department for Education has published its school performance tables for 2019 that once again highlight Greenford High School’s outstanding GCSE results.
Greenford High School’s validated GCSE Progress 8 score, which measures the progress students make between Year 7 and Year 11, is +0.7 – meaning students at Greenford achieve well over a third of a grade higher on average in their GCSEs than expected.
In the core subjects of English and Maths, students achieved, on average, almost a whole grade higher compared to their targets on leaving primary school. In addition, 82% of students achieved a grade 4 or above in both English and Maths, providing them with the passport to success needed for their future studies.
Headteacher Mia Pye said: “It is no surprise to me that the students at Greenford High have achieved such superb results once again. Students of all abilities, from those entering Greenford with lower than average primary school scores through to those who performed well above average, all achieved exceptional progress at the end of Year 11, confirming that we are a school who caters well for everybody.
“We are exceptionally proud of all of our hardworking students and our expert teachers and support staff. Thank you to parents and carers for your support in helping us to achieve such wonderful outcomes for our students.”
Chair of Governors Shital Manro said: “These are once again outstanding results. I know that I speak for all governors when I say that such results can only have been achieved as a result of real commitment and exceptionally hard work from everyone in the school.”
These results are based on Progress 8 data – the progress a child has made in 8 key subjects. You can find more details on our Summer 2019 results on our Exam Results page.