Latest News
Keep up to date with the latest Greenford High School news below.
- 20/09/23
Media students celebrate Greenford’s Oscars
Greenford High School Media students celebrated their Media Awards this week – the school’s version of the Hollywood Oscars.Read More - 20/09/23
Expectations Evenings
Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Expectations Evenings over the last week laying out the year ahead.Read More - 14/09/23
Stem4 Youth Mental Health
As a school we strive to ensure that our student and staff have a happy and healthy environment to work in. This can only be possible if we are able to recognise challeneges and provide the necessary interventions to help overcome said challenges. This year we would like to introduce the school comm...Read More - 04/09/23
Start of Term Letter Sept 2023
Dear Parents / Carers, Please find attached an important letter from the Headteacher about the start of term. Best Wishes, Greenford High School.Read More