Online Safety
Our Online Safety Programme at Greenford is aimed at raising awareness of online risks so that your child can get the most from the internet and technology whilst staying safe.
Our online safety co-ordinators are Allison John and Richard Lewis. As well as delivering online safety training and awareness sessions to staff, parents and governors, the school runs bespoke e-safety assemblies for years 7 to 11 and our Post 16 cohort. Topics cover a range of issues relevant to each year group, and have included cyberbullying, digital footprints, sexting and online sexual exploitation. We are also developing online safety lessons across the curriculum as part of our Life Skills programme. The school was awarded the 360 Safe Award for our outstanding online safety provision, and our CyberMentor programme, following a grant from John Lyon's Charity to share and replicate our online safety model with high schools, partner primary schools and organisations working with young people across Ealing.
Top tips from our STUDENT CyberMentors:
- Talk to your child about sites, games and apps they use
- Remind you children to only post content or photos that they would be happy to show you - think before you post!
- Check their security settings are private
- Remind them to only communicate with people they know in the ‘real world’ - someone they have met playing an online game is NOT a 'real' friend
- Agree on how much time they spend online - do you let them keep their smartphones and tablet devices late at night?
- Ask them to tell you if they are worried about anything
- Set up safe settings with your internet service provider and content filters on any devices they use
REPORT ABUSE to CEOP - if you are worried about online sexual abuse or communications, you can make a report to a CEOP's child protection advisor
NSPCC Net Aware - a simple guide to the most popular social networks sites, apps and games that your kids use, and how safe they are
- - guidance for parents to keep their children safe online
Digital Parenting Magazine - a guide for parents on setting up parental controls on apps and devices, and information on gaming and keeping kids safe while they play.
You can view our Student Acceptable User Policy by visiting our Policies page.