Pastoral Support

Image of Post 16 student

Greenford High School Post 16 offers a comprehensive pastoral support system to make sure every student has all the support they need.

Personal Tutors

All students in Year 12 and 13 will have their own personal tutor for the two years that they are in the Sixth Form. In terms of support and advice the personal tutor is one of the most important people a Post 16 student has. Each tutor will have specialist knowledge of the Post 16 system and opportunities that are available to students after the Sixth Form. Each tutor will provide references for jobs, for UCAS and for work experience, it is therefore vital, that students build up a very good and respectful relationship with their tutors and keep them up to date with any changes in personal circumstances.

Learning Managers

All students in Year 12 and 13 will have a dedicated Learning Manager who will be responsible for the general welfare of a student including their attendance and punctuality. There are two Learning Managers and because they have no teaching timetable they have the time to offer real support and advice whenever it is necessary. They also act as a vital link with outside agencies, the local community and most importantly with parents or guardians. Greenford is very proud of the work the Learning Managers do and their skill set covers a wide range of attributes from counselling and apprenticeships to Oxbridge and personal finance .

Intervention Managers

Greenford has a number of Intervention Managers including one full time non-teacher and two teachers, who monitor and work with students who are struggling specifically with their academic work. Again this team can call upon a store of accumulated knowledge to ensure that where possible a student leaves the school having achieved their best grades possible and as a balanced member of society. As with all aspects of the Sixth Form’s support structure, parents / guardians are kept closely informed of any intervention plans that are put into place.

Careers Advisor and Post 16 Counsellor

With a Sixth Form of about 600 students it is in vital that we acknowledge the limitations that we might have to the needs of every student studying with us. We are though determined to offer support for all and to this end we have two specific services on offer to any student that needs them. The careers service have a permanent office in school and Post 16 drop in sessions to enable students to obtain impartial advice about progression and we also retain the services of a very experienced counsellor for any student that needs to discuss personal issues with a professional.